With sustainable finance topping the agenda for the world’s leading banks, Leasing Life and Motor Finance are proud to announce their inaugural Sustainable Finance Summit & Awards 2023 event will be held on 10 May 2023 in Paris.
Offering clients ways to be profitable and planet friendly is what sustainable finance is all about and Leasing Life – which has been showcasing European thought leadership for the last 18 years via its conference and awards events – says the Summit will bring together hundreds of specialists in sustainable asset financing.
Clients seeking sustainable outcomes are asking today’s burning questions of their financial service providers: how do I future-proof my business against climate change? Who is willing to support fresh eco-initiatives? How do I achieve my net-zero goals for funding and managing my assets? These are some of the questions the Conference, to be held at a leading Parisian hotel yet to be disclosed, will address.
Conference organisers also say the event will explore product trends associated with the most popular approaches to green funding: renewable asset finance, energy transition assets and solutions and zero-emission vehicles.
With businesses under increasing stakeholder pressure to achieve a neutral, if not positive, environmental and social impact, professionals and executives from across continental Europe and the UK will gather under one roof on 10 May 2023 to explore pathways to helping clients manage the change and cost associated with transitioning to a more sustainable future.
Our Awards evening gala event – will recognise the efforts by leading financial institutions to achieve their sustainable outcomes through innovation, breadth of coverage and rigorous use of data across the continent – will close the Sustainable Finance Summit conference.
For speaking and sponsorship opportunities contact
Ray Giddings
T: +44 (0)20 7936 6512
M: +44 (0)7803 393327
Zoom: +44 (0) 20 7866 7250
Kim Palfrey
M: +44 (0) 20 7661 0552