A business plan for sustainable profitability
has been approved by the Opel Supervisory Board although finance
details will not be included.

The 2012-2016 business plan will address
investments in the Vauxhall and Opel product portfolio and
strategies for sales, branding, exports and market expansion.

Possibilities will also be assessed for
improving economies of scale under
the alliance between PSA Peugeot Citroën and GM
, of which Opel
is a subsidiary, including the reduction of material, development
and production costs.

In a statement regarding the approval,
representatives of both GM and Opel spoke of the encouragement and
support shown by GM.

A spokesperson for Vauxhall confirmed to
Motor Finance that the plan was a strategic one and, as
such, would not contain details on what this may mean for brand

Earlier this year, Vauxhall, which conducts
the majority of its finance through
GMAC trading style Ally Financial
, surprised many in the
industry by
changing provider for its flagship retail 0% programme to
