Vehicle auction group Manheim has upgraded its eight-year-old online vehicle auction platform Simulcast to include features such as the ability to run on mobile platforms.

The new version will also allow customers to bid on multiple items in the same window, give them the ability to instant message the auctioneer and be able to view vehicle details in auction instead of having to return to the catalogue, as well as a number of other changes.

Manheim recently sold its 300,000th vehicle through the Seller Advance system, and has recorded a 20% increase in the volume of vehicles sold online over the past 12 months, as well as an almost 40% rise in people logging into Simulcast in the same time.

Despite these annual increases, and a record-breaking week in January, Manheim still managed a 145% increase in online buyers and a 31% increase in the overall number of online bids compared to the previous week in the first few days after the update.