Solicitors HBJ Gateley
Wareing has adopted ‘Gateley’ as its new national brand in England
and Dubai. In Scotland the firm is now called ‘HBJ

The firm has 145 partners
located in offices in Birmingham, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leicester,
Nottingham, Manchester, London and Dubai.

Mike Ward, Gateley’s senior
partner in England, said: “The change of name is a natural step for
us. The HBJ Gateley Wareing name is reflective of the history of
the firm, but we are widely referred to in the market in England as

“We have found that clients that are new to the firm
sometimes struggle to identify our brand between the Gateley and
HBJ names and, following the opening of our Manchester office last
summer, we feel the time is right to make this change to allow the
firm to focus on a strong national brand.”