All articles by Ian Dewsnap

Ian Dewsnap

The case for self-discipline and just talking to each other

Ian Dewsnap on the real meaning of governance

Take up the issue of Not Taken Ups

We recently received results from a survey which, amongst other things, looked at Not Taken Up rates and, in collating those, the partner-data of applications accepted and booked and those rejected

Whatever happenend to…

I was having a conversation the other day in which someone asked the very sensible question “whatever happened to the paperless office?”. It made me recall some of the innovations predicted for our own business over the years which never quite turned out the way the originators (and investors) thought they would.

Things looking brighter over the pond

In some rare good news for the UK, Ian Dewsnap finds the recovery of the US auto market is definite and steady. New car sales are back perhaps to 12.5m units annually, from 11.6m in 2010, but still short of the days of 15m-17m.

Are we excluding PCP customers’ chance to repurchase?

Ian Dewsnap of Benchmark Consulting concludes his three-part series based on a series of interviews with retailers dealing with the use of PCP in the dealer finance market. I believe the PCP product to be an extremely valuable and powerful customer retention and repeat sales tool but it can be just as powerful against us when we get it wrong We go to significant expense to create the resell opportunity, and it shouldnt be going to waste.

Client retention starts with the sale

Do consumers really understand the PCP product and the processes involved with the end of the contract Ian Dewsnap of Benchmark Consulting reports from a series of interviews with retailers, in the second of a three-part series dealing with the use of PCP in the dealer finance market. Last month, I speculated on why buyers were buying PCP products at record levels across almost all major car brands, and wondered whether dealers and lenders were focused on taking advantage of PCPs strengths as a customer retention tool or just taking advantage of the public appetite for low rates.

The continued progress of PCP

Original research conducted by Motor Finance this month shows 2010 saw record levels of PCP penetration for nearly all car brands in the UK market It is very interesting to note the continued increase in prominence of PCP products in the UK market, despite a slight slowing of growth between 2008 and 2009.